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Peamised eelised

  • Spetsiaalne kuivtoidu kuju koos unikaalse DentaDefense süsteemiga aitavad hoida hambaid puhaste ja tervetena
  • Looduslikud oomega-6 ja -3 allikad terve naha ning karvkatte säilitamiseks
  • L-karnitiin aitab säilitada optimaalset kehakaalu
  • Spinach: a natural source of iron
  • Prebiootikum FOS ja peedimass toetavad tervet seedimist
Prebiootikum FOS ja peedimass toetavad tervet seedimist
Looduslikud oomega-6 ja -3 allikad terve naha ning karvkatte säilitamiseks
Spetsiaalne graanulite kuju koos DentaDefense’i süsteemiga aitavad hoida hambaid puhaste ja tervetena
L-karnitiin aitab säilitada optimaalset kehakaalu
Sisaldab rohkelt lõhet: loomulikku valguallikat, et toetada lihaste tervist
Spinat on looduslik rauaallikas

You and your dog have shared many adventures. Make sure they stay full of life – with a premium food that fulfils all your pet’s needs. Eukanuba dry food in kibble form is rich in salmon and barley, and perfect for active adult dogs of small and medium breeds. The tailored fibre blend of prebiotics and beet pulp also promotes healthy digestion. Chicken provides another source of protein alongside the salmon, helping dogs to build strong, lean muscles. Eukanuba dry food also contains L-Carnitine. This supports the reduction of body fat. Your dog can maintain an optimal weight and there is less strain on the joints. Spinach offers a natural source of iron. The unique Eukanuba hexagonal kibbles and DentaDefense dental care system support clean, healthy teeth in the long term. The Eukanuba kibbles also promote healthy skin and a shiny coat with the help of natural sources of omega 6 and omega 3. These also help to reduce hair loss in dogs. The food is 100% complete and balanced. With plenty of salmon and barley, Eukanuba is ideal for adult dogs of small and medium breeds such as Dachshunds, Collies, Pugs and Cocker Spaniels.

dried chicken & turkey (a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate), salmon (14%), barley (14%), maize, oats, sorghum, fish meal, pork fat, dried beet pulp (2.6%), sunflower oil, chicken gravy, minerals (including sodium hexametaphosphate 0.35%), fructooligosaccharides (0.25%), dried spinach (0.1%), brewer's dried yeast.

protein: 25%, fat content: 15%, omega-6 fatty acids: 3.6%, omega-3 fatty acids: 0.8%, crude ash: 6.6%, crude fibre: 2%, calcium: 1.35%, phosphorus: 1.12%.

^(/kg), Vitamins: vitamin A: 54357IU, vitamin D₃: 1375IU, vitamin C: 62mg, vitamin E: 248mg, L-carnitine: 50mg, beta-carotene: 4mg/kg. Trace elements: copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate (copper): 11mg, potassium iodide (iodine): 2.2mg, iron (II) sulphate monohydrate (iron): 59mg, manganous sulphate monohydrate (manganese): 34mg, zinc oxide (zinc): 98mg, sodium selenite (selenium): 0.03mg. ^Supplemented levels added at time of manufacture.

Esmakordsel söötmisel lisage Eukanubat 4 päeva jooksul järk-järgult oma koera toidule. Teie koer võib vanusest, iseloomust ja aktiivsustasemest olenevalt rohkem või vähem süüa. Koera jaoks peab olema alati saadaval palju värsket vett.

The following values are rough guidelines. Actual requirements may vary. Please adjust your dog's feeding amounts to maintain ideal body weight. Dog's weight & the daily amount in grams/day: 2kg 45-50g, 4kg 70-75g, 6kg 90-100g, 8kg 110-120g, 10kg 130-140g, 15kg 165-185g, 20kg 205-225g, 30kg* 265-295g

You and your dog have shared many adventures. Make sure they stay full of life – with a premium food that fulfils all your pet’s needs. Eukanuba dry food in kibble form is rich in salmon and barley, and perfect for active adult dogs of small and medium breeds. The tailored fibre blend of prebiotics and beet pulp also promotes healthy digestion. Chicken provides another source of protein alongside the salmon, helping dogs to build strong, lean muscles. Eukanuba dry food also contains L-Carnitine. This supports the reduction of body fat. Your dog can maintain an optimal weight and there is less strain on the joints. Spinach offers a natural source of iron. The unique Eukanuba hexagonal kibbles and DentaDefense dental care system support clean, healthy teeth in the long term. The Eukanuba kibbles also promote healthy skin and a shiny coat with the help of natural sources of omega 6 and omega 3. These also help to reduce hair loss in dogs. The food is 100% complete and balanced. With plenty of salmon and barley, Eukanuba is ideal for adult dogs of small and medium breeds such as Dachshunds, Collies, Pugs and Cocker Spaniels.

dried chicken & turkey (a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate), salmon (14%), barley (14%), maize, oats, sorghum, fish meal, pork fat, dried beet pulp (2.6%), sunflower oil, chicken gravy, minerals (including sodium hexametaphosphate 0.35%), fructooligosaccharides (0.25%), dried spinach (0.1%), brewer's dried yeast.

protein: 25%, fat content: 15%, omega-6 fatty acids: 3.6%, omega-3 fatty acids: 0.8%, crude ash: 6.6%, crude fibre: 2%, calcium: 1.35%, phosphorus: 1.12%.

^(/kg), Vitamins: vitamin A: 54357IU, vitamin D₃: 1375IU, vitamin C: 62mg, vitamin E: 248mg, L-carnitine: 50mg, beta-carotene: 4mg/kg. Trace elements: copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate (copper): 11mg, potassium iodide (iodine): 2.2mg, iron (II) sulphate monohydrate (iron): 59mg, manganous sulphate monohydrate (manganese): 34mg, zinc oxide (zinc): 98mg, sodium selenite (selenium): 0.03mg. ^Supplemented levels added at time of manufacture.

Esmakordsel söötmisel lisage Eukanubat 4 päeva jooksul järk-järgult oma koera toidule. Teie koer võib vanusest, iseloomust ja aktiivsustasemest olenevalt rohkem või vähem süüa. Koera jaoks peab olema alati saadaval palju värsket vett.

The following values are rough guidelines. Actual requirements may vary. Please adjust your dog's feeding amounts to maintain ideal body weight. Dog's weight & the daily amount in grams/day: 2kg 45-50g, 4kg 70-75g, 6kg 90-100g, 8kg 110-120g, 10kg 130-140g, 15kg 165-185g, 20kg 205-225g, 30kg* 265-295g

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Suurepärane toode alla 8 nädala vanustele kutsikatele. Kasutage seda aastaid ning teie kutsikad on terved, vormis ja jätavad ilusaid hunnikuid.

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Suurepärase kvaliteediga toit väga mõistliku hinnaga! Tellin kindlasti veel! Aitäh

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Suurepärane toode, mul on selle püsitellimus ja sellest ajast peale, kui ma seda kasutama hakkasin, on mu koera karv palju pehmem.

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Oleme EUKANUBAGA ülirahul. Meie labradori karv läigib tõeliselt kaunilt, tema seedimine on suurepärases korras ja koer ei haise.
Minu arvates on suurepärane ka see, et seda hulgipakendit pakutakse soodsa hinnaga.
Tellisime juba kolmandat korda ja oleme teenindusega äärmiselt rahul.

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Ma arvan, et siit saab mõistliku hinna eest head toitu. Otstarbekas oleks sobiva suurusega doseerimislusikas/kühvel!

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Kvaliteetne koeratoit, minu meelest oma hinnaklassi parim. Seda soovitavad ka paljud tõuaretajad. Saksa dogi armastab seda toitu.

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