Ismerje meg az EUKANUBA életszakaszokra épülő koncepcióját
Egy kutya élete során a táplálkozási igények változnak. Az EUKANUBA eledelek receptjeit úgy fejlesztjük ki, hogy minden életszakaszban ideálisan megfeleljenek a kutyája táplálkozási szükségleteinek, és hozzájáruljanak a négylábú társa élethosszig tartó jóllétéhez.

Testre szabott etetés kezdetektől fogva
Az EUKANUBA kölyökkutyáknak szánt eledelei hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy az ügyetlen kutyuskák erősen és egészségesen vágjanak bele a hosszú, kalandokkal teli életbe.
Tudjon meg többetFelnőtt kutyák a legjobb formában
Az EUKANUBA kiváló minőségű felnőtt kutyaeledeleinek széles választéka hozzájárul a bundás kedvence aktív és egészséges életéhez.
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A legjobb táplálék idősödő és öreg kutyáknak
Az EUKANUBA idős kutyáknak szánt eledelei az előrehaladott korú kutyák speciális táplálkozási igényeire összpontosítanak, és támogatják az élethosszig tartó jóllétet.
Tudjon meg többetTake a look here
Frequently asked questions
In order to provide age and size appropriate nutrition for every dog, the EUKANUBA main assortment is specified accordingly. The first step is to select the phase of life your dog is in, i.e. puppy, junior (only large breed dogs), adult dog, mature or senior dog. In a second step, we also differentiate our foods according to the size of the dog into small, medium and large breeds. Furthermore, the various flavours ensure variety in your dog's diet. Due to this feeding concept, the EUKANUBA main assortment includes an ample selection of tailored food products.
Depending on age and size, dogs have changing dietary needs. In order to ideally meet the nutritional demands of dogs of any size and age, Eukanuba foods are developed for different life stages and dog sizes. Based on this, our main assortment enables you to find and select the most convenient food for your dog.
Small and medium size breeds need about one year to become an adult dog whereas for large breeds it may take up to two years until the dog is fully grown and has reached adult life stage. During this long growth phase, the nutritional requirements are changing and are not anymore the same as for a puppy but has still not reached the needs of an adult dog. The Puppy food has a higher energy density, the Junior food contains an adapted calcium and phosphorus level for healthy bone development of junior dogs of large breeds.
The nutritional needs of adult dogs in advanced age are not the same than those of real seniors. Therefore, EUKANUBA differentiates between food for mature dogs and senior dogs.
EUKANUBA dry food for mature dogs is recommended for small dogs at an age between 8 and 11 year, for medium sized breeds aged 7 to 10 years and for large dogs which are between 6 and 9 years old. The selected ingredients provide tailored nutrition to support your mature dog's healthy aging. L-Carnitine contained and a lower fat level in EUKANUBA dry food supports the reduction of body fat and allows your dog to maintain an optimal weight resulting in less strain on the joints.
EUKANUBA dry food Senior is the tailored nutrition to boost your senior dog’s optimal body condition and active mobility. The adapted protein and fat levels support healthy body weight and maintaining lean muscles. The carefully selected ingredients support healthy joints as well as healthy digestion of older dogs. It depends on the breed size when your dog has reached the senior life stage, small dogs from 11 years on, medium sized breeds aged from 10 years on and large breeds older than 9 years.