Hundefôr for fordøyelsen
Lettfordøyelig, komplett og full av smak

Fordøyelse 3 Produkter
Veterinary Diets tarmhelse
- Tørrfôr
- Kylling
Daily Care sensitiv fordøyelse valp alle raser
- Tørrfôr
- Kylling
Daily Care sensitiv fordøyelse voksen alle raser
- Tørrfôr
- Kylling

Den beste måten å bekjempe fordøyelsesbesvær
Det riktige hundefôret
Endret avføring, diaré, luft - mange hunder lider av fordøyelsesproblemer. Årsaken er ofte sammensetningen på maten eller en intoleranse. Vårt tørrfôr for hunder med sensitiv hud er satt sammen for å bidra til å gjøre at kjæledyret ditt føler seg vel.

Våre lettfordøyelige alternativer
Kylling og ris
Ris og kylling er lett fordøyelig og er derfor et essensielt par ingredienser i tørrfôret for hunder med sensitiv fordøyelse. I tillegg vil verdifulle omega-6 og -3 fettsyrer sikre sunn hud og skinnende pels.
Mange gode råvare
For en sunn fordøyelse
Hunden din trenger en god del kostfibre for å få en sunn fordøyelse. Dette er grunnen til at betemasse og naturlige prebiotika støtter opp om hundens tarmflora og bidrar til å opprettholde aktivitets- og energinivået.

Take a look here
Frequently asked questions
The recipe of EUKANUBA Daily Care Sensitive digestion is particularly tailored for dogs with sensitive stomachs. This food is rich in rice which is easily digestible for your dog and the special blend of prebiotic FOS and MOS promotes healthy digestion. Furthermore, the food contains butyrate, short chain fatty acids, that positively influences the intestinal environment and nourishes the gut cells. Moreover, the product is wheat-free as wheat is often not tolerated by dogs with sensitive digestion. A tailored blend of fibre completes the food recipe.
There are various reasons to bring your dog’s digestion into trouble. Sometimes, it is just a short-term issue if your dog has been exposed to a stressing situation or has fed something inappropriate. Also the change to a food your dog is not used to can cause digestive problems especially when the food contains ingredients your dog does not tolerate.
If you feel uncertain, contact your vet in order to exclude that a disease is the source of the digestive problems.
Yes. EUKANUBA Daily Care Sensitive digestion is a balanced complete food and is convenient for permanent feeding.
EUKANUBA Daily Care Sensitive Digestion is rich in easily digestible chicken and rice. Furthermore, the food contains prebiotic FOS and MOS promoting a healthy digestion. Moreover, butyrate in the food supports a healthy intestinal environment and nourishes the gut cells. A tailored blend of fibre completes the recipe.