Champion Stakes and Puppy of the Year event 2025

General Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Tickets

The following contractual terms and conditions ("GTC") apply to the legal relationship established by the purchase of admission tickets ("Ticket(s)") from the Eukanuba Breeder team, Phil Davies and Emily Lewis ("Organiser") for attending the Champion Stakes and Puppy of the Year event 2025 at Chesford Grange, Kenilworth, CV8 2LD ("Event").

§ 1 Purchase of Tickets

  1. Purchase of Tickets: Tickets for the Organiser's event may only be purchased from the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to limit the number of tickets available for sale for an event and for individual customers at its discretion and to grant or refuse ticket discounts and/or preferential conditions.
  2. Price: The ticket price is £50.00 per person. Ticket orders will only be processed against prepayment and with the accepted payment methods.
  3. No Right of Cancellation or Return: Every offer or order for tickets is binding immediately after confirmation by the Organiser and obliges the customer to accept and pay for the tickets ordered. Exchanges and refunds are generally excluded.

§ 2 Dispatch and Deposit of Tickets, Complaints

  1. Complaints: Complaints about tickets and/or ticket orders that are recognisably defective must be made immediately, i.e., without culpable delay, generally within five (5) working days of receipt of the dispatch confirmation from the Organiser (see § 2 (1)) or after receipt of the tickets but no later than seven (7) working days before the respective event in text form (e-mail is sufficient), by fax, or by post to the contact address. In the case of tickets and/or ticket orders made within the last seven (7) working days before the respective event and/or in the case of deposited tickets in accordance with § 2 (2), the complaint must be made immediately; otherwise, the previous provision shall apply accordingly. Defects are in particular unauthorised deviations from the order in terms of quantity, price, date, event and venue, incorrect printed image, missing essential information such as event or seat number in the case of paper tickets, and/or visible damage or destruction of the ticket. The receipt postmark or the transmission protocol of the fax or e-mail is decisive for compliance with the complaint deadline. If the complaint is justified and made in good time, the Organiser will issue the customer with a new ticket free of charge in return for the returned ticket. The provisions on complaints expressly do not apply to tickets that have been lost in accordance with § 2 (5) or to tickets that have not been ordered nor to cases in which the reason for the complaint is demonstrably attributable to fault on the part of the Organiser.
  2. Loss: The Organiser must be informed immediately of the loss, i.e., any involuntary loss of tickets purchased from the Organiser. The Organiser is entitled to block these tickets immediately after notification of loss. The Organiser may charge a processing fee for the reissue in accordance with the price stated. The Organiser will file a criminal complaint in the event of misuse of a lost ticket. For security reasons, other lost tickets cannot be reissued.

§ 3 Postponement, Cancellation, and Termination

  1. Postponement: The Organiser reserves the right to postpone the event or parts of the event and to make changes to the programme. In all cases, tickets purchased for postponed events or parts of events shall remain valid but shall entitle the customer to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of tickets for the affected event or parts of the event. Cancellation by the customer must be declared in text form (e-mail is sufficient), by fax, or in writing by post. The customers concerned will be refunded the ticket price paid for the postponed event, less any fees incurred, upon presentation or sending of the original ticket at their own expense. The final scheduling of an event is not deemed to be a postponement within the meaning of this provision and therefore does not entitle the customer to cancel if the final scheduling had not yet taken place when the ticket was purchased.
  2. Cancellation and Exclusion of Spectators: In the event of cancellation of the event, the ticket price - upon presentation of the original ticket within fourteen (14) working days of the date of the event - will be refunded at face value, less any fees incurred, provided the bank details are provided. In the case of an event which, according to a competent association or authority, must take place in whole or in part with the exclusion of spectators, both the Organiser and the customer concerned are entitled to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of tickets for the event concerned. The cancellation by the affected customer must be declared in text form (e-mail is sufficient), by fax, or in writing by post. The customers concerned will receive a refund of the ticket price paid, less any fees incurred, upon presentation or transmission of the original ticket at their own expense.
  3. Cancellation and Repetition of the Event: If an event is cancelled, the customer is not entitled to a refund of the ticket price paid unless the Organiser is responsible for the cancellation. If the event is repeated, i.e., if an event that has already started and then been cancelled is rescheduled, the repeat shall be deemed to be a new event; the ticket for the original event shall not be valid for this unless the Organiser expressly indicates that the ticket is also valid for the repeat. In the event of continued validity, the customer may withdraw from the contract (see § 3 (1) for cancellation). The customer concerned will be reimbursed the ticket price paid upon presentation or return of the ticket to the Organiser at his own expense; service and shipping fees will not be reimbursed.

§ 4 Utilisation and Transfer

  1. Right of Access: The Organiser does not wish to grant access to the event to everyone but only to those ticket holders who have purchased tickets as a customer from the Organiser or an authorised sales outlet or as part of a permissible transfer in accordance with § 4 (4). The right of access ends when the ticket holder leaves the event site for the first time. In the event of a ticket purchase as part of an unauthorised transfer in accordance with § 4 (3), there is no right of admission. In this case, the Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission. Recourse claims against the Organiser are excluded in this case. The customer must carry an official document (e.g., identity card) as proof of identity and present it upon request.
  2. Restriction on the Transfer of Tickets: In order to avoid violence and criminal offences in connection with attending the event and to prevent the unauthorised transfer of tickets, in particular to avoid ticket speculation, it is in the interests of the event organiser and the spectators to restrict the transfer of tickets.
  3. Prohibited Transfer: If the customer has been issued with individualised tickets that can be allocated to them, any commercial or industrial resale of tickets by the customer is prohibited. In particular, the customer is prohibited from:

a) offering tickets for sale and/or selling them publicly, in particular at auctions or on the internet (e.g., on eBay, eBay classified ads) and/or on sales platforms not authorised by the Organiser (e.g., Viagogo, StubHub, etc.) in a generally accessible form;

b) passing on tickets at a higher price than the ticket price paid; a surcharge of up to 10% to compensate for transaction costs incurred is permitted;

c) selling or passing on tickets to commercial or business resellers and/or ticket dealers;

d) passing on tickets to persons who are subject to a stadium ban, insofar as the customer was aware or should have been aware of this circumstance;

e) using tickets or having them used commercially or commercially without the express prior written consent of the Organiser, in particular for the purposes of advertising, marketing, as a bonus, as a promotional gift, as a prize, or as part of an unauthorised hospitality or travel package.

In the event of one or more violations of the provision in § 4 (3) and/or other unauthorised transfer of tickets, the Organiser is entitled not to deliver the tickets concerned to the customer concerned, to cancel them, and to refuse the ticket holder entry to the event without compensation or to expel them from the event.

  1. Permitted Transfer: A private, non-public transfer of a ticket for non-commercial reasons, in particular in individual cases in the event of illness or other prevention of the customer, is permitted if there is no case of inadmissible transfer within the meaning of the provision in § 4 (3) and the customer (i) expressly informs the new ticket holder of the validity and content of these GTC and the necessary disclosure of information (e.g., first and last name on request) about the new ticket holder to the Organiser in accordance with this section, (ii) the new ticket holder agrees to the validity of these GTC between them and the Organiser by purchasing and using the ticket, and (iii) the Organiser is informed in good time of the transfer of the ticket upon request naming the new ticket holder or the Organiser has implicitly declared the transfer to the new ticket holder to be permissible. The new ticket holder's data is forwarded on the one hand to fulfil the contracts between them and the Organiser and between them and the customer in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 b) of the GDPR. On the other hand, this data processing is carried out to safeguard the legitimate interests of the Organiser (see section 2.1) in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 f) GDPR. These regulations apply to the transfer of discounted tickets with the additional proviso that a transfer is only possible if the new ticket holder also fulfils the corresponding discount requirements.

§ 5 Behaviour in the Event Venue

  1. Domiciliary Rights: The Organiser or authorised third parties are entitled to exercise domiciliary rights at all times. The instructions of the Organiser, the police, and the security personnel in the run-up to, during, and immediately after an event must always be complied with.
  2. Admission: In principle, every customer or ticket holder with a validly acquired admission right in accordance with § 4 (1) is authorised to enter the venue. However, access may be denied or the customer or ticket holder may be expelled from the event venue if:

a) the customer or ticket holder refuses to submit to an appropriate check of their person and/or items carried by security personnel at the entrance and/or inside the venue before entering the venue.

b) the individualisation features printed on the tickets (e.g., name imprint, seat data, barcode, QR code, serial and/or shopping basket numbers) are manipulated, unrecognisable, and/or damaged or an access attempt has already been made with the ticket, unless the Organiser is responsible for this and/or the ticket holder is not the same person as the customer who is stored as a customer in connection with the ticket and noted on the ticket via individualisation features, unless there is a case of permissible transfer in accordance with § 4 (4);

c) the customer or ticket holder is obviously under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;

d) any of the following items are carried or used: glass containers, drones, pyrotechnic objects, flares, weapons, and similar dangerous objects, animals.

In the event of a justified refusal of admission, the customer or ticket holder is not entitled to compensation. Furthermore, it is prohibited to carry and/or use the following items: racist, xenophobic, and/or right-wing or left-wing extremist propaganda material, political or religious objects of any kind including banners, signs, symbols, and flyers if there is reason to believe that these will be displayed inappropriately on the event site. Irrespective of the objects carried, the utterance or dissemination of inhuman, racist, xenophobic, politically extremist, obscenely offensive, provocatively insulting, and/or left-wing or right-wing extremist slogans and corresponding actions are prohibited in the entire area of the event site.

  1. Liability: Visitors enter the event site at their own risk. The Organiser and/or vicarious agents shall only be liable for damages irrespective of the legal grounds in the event of intent or gross negligence or - then limited to the damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract and typical for the contract - in the event of a breach of material contractual obligations. Material contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment is essential for the proper performance of the contract, whose breach jeopardises the achievement of the purpose of the contract, and on whose compliance the customer regularly relies. This limitation of liability does not apply to claims for damages due to injury to life, limb, or health or due to other mandatory statutory liability. There is no liability for stolen or lost items.

§ 7 Data Protection

Unless specifically stated otherwise within these GTC, the processing of personal data of the customer and/or the ticket holder is carried out on the one hand to fulfil a contract between the Organiser and the customer or between the customer and the ticket holder and on the other hand to safeguard the legitimate interests of the Organiser. Further data protection provisions, including the rights of the customer, can be found at [link to data protection policy].

§ 8 Contact

Ticket orders, queries, and all matters relating to the Organiser's tickets can be directed to the Organiser via the following contact options: Email or telephone Emily Davies or Phil Davies

§ 9 Choice of Law, Jurisdiction

The mandatory legal provisions of the country in which the customer usually resides shall apply. In all other respects, English law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with these GTC and/or their validity or legal transactions based on these GTC is United Kingdom.

§ 10 Amendments and Additions

In the event of a change in market conditions and/or the legal situation and/or supreme court rulings, the Organiser is entitled to amend and/or change these GTC and/or the price list with a notice period of four (4) weeks in advance provided this is reasonable for the customer. The customer shall be notified of the respective amendments in writing or - if the customer has agreed to this form of correspondence - by e-mail. The additions or amendments shall be deemed approved if the customer has not objected to them in writing or by e-mail within a period of four (4) weeks after receipt of the amendments and/or additions, provided that the Organiser has expressly referred to this fiction of approval in the notice of amendment. Any objection by the customer must be sent to the contact address (§ 8).

§ 11 Spectrum Brands Employees

Employees of Spectrum Brands and dogs owned/associated with employees of SPB are not allowed to be entered into either the Champion Stakes or Puppy of the Year competition.

§ 12 Final Provisions

Should individual clauses of these GTC be invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses or the remaining parts of such clauses. The parties shall replace an invalid provision with a provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same shall also apply to a loophole in these GTC.