Dog proofing your garden
Your garden is a great space for your dog to run around and explore, and for the two of you to play together. Dog proofing your garden is a great way of knowing that your dog is safe and sound in their surroundings even when you leave them at home on their own.

Here are some tips on how to safeguard your garden for your companion:
- Fences: Most of us rely on some type of metal or wooden wall to keep our dogs from roaming, but make sure your fence doesn’t have any sharp edges or splinters which could injure your dog. Also, putting your dog in a break-away collar means that if they do get tangled up, they can be free within a tug or two.
- Chemicals: Many commercial fertilisers and weed killers are now safe for animals provided the manufacturer's instructions are followed, but others can cause illness. Make sure you read the label on each package before applying them to your garden. When you’re not using them, make sure they’re stored away safely, out of your dog’s reach.
- Plants: Some of the gardener's most beloved flowers and bushes are harmful when ingested by dogs. These include tulip and daffodil bulbs, yews and lilies. Swap out these varieties for other favourites, or plant them in flower boxes above your dog’s height. Protect your flowers with a thin mesh fence, a nearly invisible barrier that will deter your dog, but means you can still enjoy the blooms.
- Equipment: Dogs are curious creatures and will likely want to investigate all of your garden tools. Lawn mowers, weed trimmers or chainsaws should never be left within a pet's reach – make sure they’re locked away securely in a shed or other safe area and be aware of your pet while you’re using them.
- Water spots: Dogs love to take a plunge into a pool, but sometimes the high walls of swimming pools or hot tubs are too high for them to climb out safely. Also, if you've got a pond it's probably a good idea to put some mesh over the top for the safety of your fish. Always be sure to cover or fence off your water spots when you’re not around.